Water softener plants

Basically, to choose between NIRMAL MOTI WATER INDIA has taken step for processing the hard water and makes it usable. Hard water consists of excess quantity of calcium and magnesium which is highly dissolved in water but not suitable for drinking purpose. In fact, hard water may create many problems

Due to the above problems, it is required to soften the water and so the softening water plants are established which plays big role in cleaning this.

Softening of water is processed through the ion exchange and precipitation methods. This process rely on removing mainly two minerals i.e., calcium and magnesium with the flow of sodium. In this process, two separate tanks are associated with a pipe. These two separate tanks denote the brine tank and mineral tank. Mineral tanks consist of raw water containing minerals where as brine consists of the sodium chloride and both tanks are connected with a tube or pipe. As the process started, surface of vessels contains the calcium and magnesium which is flushed through the flow of sodium (salt) which is perfect and powerful solution for the minerals

  • Easy To Install And Operate
  • Protect pipelines from corrosion and scale formation due to Calcium and Magnesium salts.
  • Light weight equipment, easy to install, does not require civil work.
  • Single lever multiport valve makes it easy to operate
  • Cost Effective
  • User Friendly
  • High Quality Water

softeners are present to purify the hard water

Chemicals Based Softeners Which Is Usually Used In Laundries To Wash Clothes By Removing The Magnesium And Calcium But This Water Is Not Fit For Drinking

Features and Specifications Applications
User Friendly Beverage Production
Less power consumption Chemical and Textiles
Automatic Regeneration Pharmaceuticals industry, Process industry
Long life and durable Boiler feed, Product finishing
Best quality of material and resin Laboratory, Dying Process
Easy to install plant Hospital, Hotels, Laundries etc
Easy to maintain (low maintenance cost) Cooling Tower
Compact model Water Power Plant, Ice Plant
Require less space Food Processing
FRP/MS/SS pressure vessels Swimming Pool
Water Softening Plant Maintenance

Softening of water is processed through the ion exchange and precipitation methods. This process rely on removing mainly two minerals i.e., calcium and magnesium with the flow of sodium. In this process, two separate tanks are associated with a pipe. These two separate tanks denote the brine tank and mineral tank. Mineral tanks consist of raw water containing minerals where as brine consists of the sodium chloride and both tanks are connected with a tube or pipe. As the process started, surface of vessels contains the calcium and magnesium which is flushed through the flow of sodium (salt) which is perfect and powerful solution for the minerals