We offer Ultra filtration Plants that are reusable and cleanable with standard chemicals and are designed using advanced process technology with the purpose of removing micro bacterial counts. These Ultra filtration Control Systems act as advanced Industrial Filtration System and find application as pre treatment step to the next in step reverse osmosis process.
How It Works. Ultrafiltration uses hollow fibers of membrane material and the feed water flows either inside the shell, or in the lumen of the fibers. Suspended solids and solutes of high molecular weight are retained, while water and low molecular weight solutes pass through the membrane
Ultrafiltration process removes the highest sensitivity of conventional plant treatment steps of coagulation, sedimentation and filtration to variable influent turbidity and particle charges.UF is also taken into useby industries to separate suspended solids from solution. Industrial applications include power generation, food and beverage processing, pharmaceutical production, biotechnology, and semiconductor manufacturing. Examples of industrial applications include:
a ) Washwaters – Tramp Oils, Alkaline & Acidic Washwaters
b ) Stamping - Heavily Fortified Stamping Fluids & Washwaters
c ) Transportation - Oily Water From Vehicle Discharge
d ) Machining And Grinding - Water Soluble And Synthetic Coolants
e ) Die Casting - Mould Release Fluids & Washwaters
f ) Vibratory Deburring - Oil And Solid Laden Deburring Liquids
g ) Primary Metals - Rolling & Drawing Fluid, Coolants